2021 Asterousia Hybrid University – Phase A: Crete, 19-24 October 2021
Phase A of the University took place from 19th to 24th of October 2021 in Crete (Greece), in several places, from Heraklion city to Bali coastal village and then to Gortyna and Kapetaniana mountainous villages of the Asterousia Bioshere Reserve.
The 16 international and Greek participants followed a quite intense programme: presentations and discussions, field studies in selected places, workshops, visits to Museums and local enterprises and participation in beach clean-up ativities.
Particularly, the participants had the chance to benefit, join and follow some targeted interventions with the local society more specifically:
- A Beach Cleanup and Participatory Science action in Geropotamos beach together with the 53 primarly school pupils of Bali village (on the morning of 21 October). Read more (in Greek) here
- A Workshop with tourism professionals (in the afternoon of 21 October) . Read more (in Greek) here
both activities were conducted in the framework of the Project “Waste ashore-Mylopotamos” of the AKOMM-Psiloritis Development Agency.
- “Beyond Museums: Tools for promoting the natural and cultural water heritage” Webinar organised by the UNESCO Chair “Water Heritage and Sustainable Development” of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy) (on the morning of 22 October). Read more here.
- A public awareness raising event for residents of the Municipality of Gortyna, in the framework of a Project funded by the Asterousia Protection Society (in the afternoon of 22 October).
Read the overall agenda.
Prof. M. Scoullos, MIO-ECSDE Chair: “Introduction, goal, structure and methodology of the University”
J. Baker, UNESCO Regional Office in Venice: “MAB/UNESCO Biosphere Reserves and Sustainable Development”
V.Malotidi, MEdIES : “Methodology of schools’ beach clean up actions“
A. Zachariou, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute: “Enchancing critical thinking in schools for marine pollution using innovative ICT technologies (Sea4All)”
Th. Vlachogianni, MIO-ECSDE: “Monitoring marine litter and generating fit-for-purpose data through a participatory science approach”
Prof. M. Scoullos: “The WEFE Nexus approach”
Th. Vlachogianni, MIO-ECSDE: “Addressing Marine Litter and Climate Change in Coastal and Marine Protected Areas: The showcases of Plastic Busters MPAs and MPA Engage”
Th. Ntalianis, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research: “Marine pollution and biodiversity in the Mediterranean”
V.Psallidas & E. Korkidi, MIO-ECSDE: “Participatory actions of env.management in Asterousia BR “
Phase A of the 2021 Asterousia Hybrid University was co-organised and supported by: MIO-ECSDE/MEdIES Secretariat, the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (Venice Office), the AKOMM-Psiloritis Development Agency, the Asterousia Bioshere Reserve, the Perfecture of Crete, the UNESCO Chair and Network on Sustainable Development Management and Education in the Mediterranean, the Greek National Committee for MAB/UNESCO, with the contribution of the LIFE Programme of the European Union and of the Green Fund of Greece.