Waste ashore, waste in the net!

Three projects for marine litter on selected coastal regions of Crete (Greece)


The three projects aim to sensitise and motivate local communities in Crete in order to reduce the generation of marine litter and particularly of plastics including single use plastics (SUPs) by improving waste management. In this endeavour many target-groups are involved including fishermen, owners and staff of tourism and leisure businesses, but also the education community.

The three projects take place throughout 2021 in selected coastal areas of Crete, namely Mylopotamos, Mesara and Malevisi. During this period:

  • Tourism and leisure businessmen and staff are informed about the impacts of marine litter on tourism, are informed of good waste management and take part in a voluntary “responsible shop” piliot action, which, among other things, reduces single use plastics
  • Fishermen are informed about the impacts of marine litter, especially plastics, in fish stocks, and take part in a voluntary “fishing for litter” pilot project.
  • Local teachers are trained, through appropriate custom-made educational material useful for their school projects.
  • Local students undertake voluntary pilot activities (e.g. beach adoptions), as well as clean-ups.
  • The residents of the area are informed about the results of their project, and follow up on the activirties.


Policy frameworks

The design and implementation of the three projects in Crete is inspired and respond to the following international and national Policy Frameworks:

  • EU: Marine Strategy Framework Directive (D10 related Programme of Measures); EU Plastics Strategy; SUPs Directive (2019/904).
  • UNEP/MAP: Regional Plan for Marine Litter Management in the Mediterranean
  • UfM: 2014 UfM Ministerial Declaration on Environment and Climate Change; UfM-labelled Plastic Busters Initiative.
  • GR: The incorporation of  the SUPs Directive into the Greek Legislation.


Read more

Read more for each project in Greek language:

Σκουπίδια στον αφρό! Μυλοπόταμος:
Μαθητές και επαγγελματίες τουρισμού & αναψυχής ενημερώνονται και αναλαμβάνουν δράση για τα θαλάσσια απορρίμματα στις ακτές του Μυλοποτάμου!

Σκουπίδια στην απόχη! Μεσαρά:
Μαθητές και αλιείς ενημερώνονται και αναλαμβάνουν δράση για τα θαλάσσια απορρίμματα σε παράκτιες και αλιευτικές περιοχές Μεσαράς!

Σκουπίδια στον αφρό! Μαλεβίζι:
Μαθητές και επαγγελματίες τουρισμού & αναψυχής ενημερώνονται και αναλαμβάνουν δράση για τα θαλάσσια απορρίμματα στις ακτές του Μαλεβιζίου!