APRIL – may – june 2020
Dear MEdIES friends,
After the initial numbness due to lockdowns, closed schools and restriction of movement, the majority of educational institutions revealed their readiness and capacity to “flip” their services to online formats. Opportunities opened up to all of us to follow, from home, a wealth of distance learning courses, online classes and virtual exhibitions. Certainly, many of these practices will proliferate after the pandemic, marking our transition to a more and more digitised education. At the same time, this period two more things became very clear to us:
a) The role of the teacher in the classroom is irreplaceable: The quality and impact of face-to-face interactions between people are not comparable to those delivered digitally, as fancy or high-tech as they may be.
b) During this e-transition, the existing education inequalities have surfaced and widened: This applies to both students as well as educators who may lack the skills and/or the means to join this e-transition on equal terms. Education providers should take measures to bridge these gaps and make e-education accessible to all.
With these thoughts we wish you all a healthy and relaxing summer!
Please find herewith our 65th quarterly e-bulletin .
Projects & Events
Material & ICTs
ESD Policy News
projects & events

A. Online intervention on marine litter for Greek school students May-June 2020
In late May – early June, MEdIES team piloted an ESD intervention for primary and secondary school students on the topic of marine litter, with an emphasis on plastics, and recycling using virtual tools. To cope with the closed schools, due to the pandemic, and the needs of virtual classrooms, the MEdIES team considered how to “flip” an otherwise face-to-face intervention. Read more here.

B. “The Water We Want” from heritage to future” e-exhibition, 18 June 2020
Finally, the online Exhibition hosting more than 100 entries (drawings, photos, videos) of the “Water We Want Youth contest” was launched during the webinar of June 18, where Prof Scoullos was a key speaker. MEdIES collaborated intensively with the Water Museums Network in organizing and promoting the contest from September 2019 to May 2020. Read more here.

C. Exhibition on Marine Litter at the Town Hall of Elefsina, Greece June 2020
On the occasion of the World Environment Day (5 June) and the World Oceans Day (8 June) MEdIES collaborated once again with the Municipality of Elefsina in hosting the MARLISCO exhibition on marine litter at the town hall! The exhibition was hosted for about three weeks alerting the officers and visitors for marine litter global issue that it’s getting worse due to the pandemic. Read more here

D. E-announcement of the newly established “Asterousia” BR in Crete (Greece)!
On June 30, an online press conference was organized by MIO-ECSDE, the Hellenic Committee of MAB/UNESCO, the Prefecture of Crete, the Heraklion Development Agency to officially announce the approval of the Asterousia mountainous range in the World Biosphere Reserves Network of UNESCO/MAB! The recording will be available soon. In the meantime, enjoy a short video on Asterousia region here.
Material & ICTs

A. Sustainable Mediterranean Issue 75 available online
The Sustainable Mediterranean Issue No 75 dedicated to the 2nd Meeting of the Mediterranean ESD Committee and its Regional Workshop (22-24 June 2019) highlighting progress and key messages on the implementation of Mediterranean Strategy on ESD by the countries and Organizations is available online. Hardcopies will be published by the Ministry of Education, Culture Sports and Youth of Cyprus later in 2020. Access the publication here.

B. D-NOSES MOOCs on Odour Pollution
MEdIES is finalizing the content of the second MOOC on “Odour Pollution for the educators” while the first MOOC on “Odour Pollution for the public” is currently available as a beta (pilot) version here. Both MOOCs will be updated aesthetically before they become available and widely circulated. Read more about D-NOSES here.

C.Interactive website on Non-Conventional Water Resources in the Mediterranean (ongoing)
This educational app aspires to cultivate inquiry, creativity and problem-solving skills and to inspire responsible water consumption habits. It is designed to be played directly by students (mainly 10 to 13 years old), with or without the guidance of the teacher or parent. No subscription required, just visit the website and enjoy learning through playing! English version: https://ncwr-edu.net, Greek version: https://water-polis.gr/
ESD Policy News
UNESCO announced the new dates of the World ESD Conference in Berlin: 17-19 May 2021 (postponed due to COVID19 pandemic) during which the “ESD for 2030” framework and the new partnership mechanism (to replace GAP networks) will be launched. MEdIES had received an invitation from UNESCO to re-confirm its commitment and participation in the new partnership early in 2020. The list of the Conference approved side events will be announced in due time. We hope that our proposed side event – on behalf of the Mediterranean ESD Committee- will be approved.
MEdIES coordinator, prof. Scoullos, continues to support the UNECE Ad hoc group on Strategic Planning 2030 in developing the context and roadmap of ESD in the UNECE region towards 2030. He has actively participated in two virtual meetings (31 March and 30 April) as well as the consultation meeting of the ESD Steering Committee (7 May) and is currently co- authoring the Preamble of the Strategic Planning.
C. Mainstreaming of ESD in the light of SDG4.7
MEdIES Coordinator was asked by the UNESCO Regional Venice Office to peer-review its comparative analysis entitled “Mainstreaming of ESD in Cyprus, Greece, Malta and Turkey in the light of SDG 4.7” (to be available soon).
D. ESD & the Green Deal
The European Commission in its Communication on the European Green Deal has clearly proposed ESD: a competence framework on ESD will be developed, inter alia, to help countries to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes on Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Read more here