Engaging Egyptian youth to become Innovators for environmental protection and waste managementIn a nutshel
Be2aty builds on the local and international efforts to empower youth in becoming active citizens and tackling diverse environmental problems in their communities. Moreover, the project will enhance the capacity of Egyptian civil society organizations and social enterprises to strengthen their service provision and ability to further support youth.
This is envisioned to happen through the partnership of three EU based and three Egyptian partners (5 NGOs, 1 SME) from different sectors, to help 300 young people, plus 20 young trainers, to discover their particular interests, skills and talents, which they further develop by devising and implementing a self-directed project to improve the situation with respect to an environmental problem they have identified in their community.
By leveraging their own networks, each partner collects valuable resources, including but not limited to the know-how, organizational skills, opportunities, and tools, to support young people to implement their projects. Using these resources, young people will be empowered by being placed at the center of a hands-on learning experience that allows them to determine the pace and direction of their environmental action. Participants will become more aware of their potential, build self-confidence, develop critical-thinking and life skills, while rehearsing their professional skills to eventually meet the demands of the labor market. In a similar vein, Youth NGOs in Egypt will grow stronger through the acquisition of new tools, enabling them to branch out in related sectors and to create a deeper impact within the communities they serve.
The partnership

Goethe Institut (EG)
The Cairo branch office of Goethe-Institut is the project coordinator. It has the staff, technology, and experience in effectively managing international projects involving a mix of Egyptian and European colleagues.

Up Fuse (EG)
A private, socially-oriented enterprise (SME) based in Helwan city that designs and produces fashion apparel from recycled plastic and tires. In supports women, especially those from underprivileged and refugee communities and visually impaired.

Greenish (EG)
An NGO that focuses on awareness-raising and communication on the environment, and on supporting young people to create and implement local solutions. In this project it leads the communication component.

Alwan wa Awtar (EG)
A&A manages a physical space dedicated to guiding young people in arts-making activities and has long-standing experience of non-formal educational methods. It will lead in the organisation and running of the Bootcamps that will take place within the project.


MIO-ESCDE, being a Federation of Mediterranean NGOs, leads the dissemination component of the project. The network of NGOs, teachers (MEdIES) and other audiences will be involved in disseminating the results and lessons learnt.
Project architecture and outcomes
The project entails five work packages (WPs) including three implementation activities, and two horizontal ones: management (WP1) and Communication (WP2). The three implementation WPs and therie expected resuts are:

Twenty (20) boot camps will be organised over the course of three years to support at least 300 young people in identifying an environmental problem within their local communities and in developing a remedial project proposal or action plan.

Supporting the youth
The partners will be providing ad-hoc support to the 300 participants for them to be able to implement their self-initiated projects. Depending on the nature of the youth projects other experts outside the consortium may be mobilised.

On several occasions, the partners will reflect on and integrate lessons learned through the bootcamps to fine-tune to improve their methodology and effectively respond to challenges. Lessons will be disseminated with the partners’ networks.
Kick off meeting of the project, held in Cairo on 13/06/2023. Read more.
The 1st Youth Bootcamp in Cairo, taking place in February-March 2024. Read more
The Partners’ Meeting (retreat), held on in Dayra Camp Shokha, at 6-8 June 2024. Read more.
The Exhibition of youth works in Cairo, at the end of year one of the project, 22-23 November 2024. Read more here and here.
A panel discussion with international experts on what ‘meaningful youth engagement’ looks like, 18 December 2024. Read more
Follow Be2aty @ its Website and Social Media

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No. 101094991. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.