The zero drop project aspires to conserve the valuable water resources and deal with water shortages through smart and efficient water works that save, reuse or better manage water, using also Non Conventional Resources (NCWRs), such as treated wastewater, desalinated water and rainwater.
The water works of zero drop in Schimatari: For the water works, see the video below in Greek language.
Education Interventions in Schimatari: MEdIES staff visited schools and engaged some 420 students of Primary Schools (2023) in hands-on playful activities in order to sensitise them on topics around the water cycle, NCWRs and responsible water consumption. A customised educational poster has been prepared to sensitise students of the region on the water cycle and NCWRs (in Greek language). Further activities will take place with students of Middle Schools (13years old) of the area in 2024.
The awareness poster Schimatari: A sensitisation and awareness poster has been developed to be handed out to students and teachers of Schimatari. If you are in a school of the region and you want to receive hardcopies please email us at
Download the Educational Poster of Schimatari (GR)
The zero drop project is implemented by Global Water Partnership-Mediterranean (GWP-Med) in collaboration with the Municipality of Heraklion, with funding from The Coca-Cola Foundation and the Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company.
#savewater, #NCWRs, #watereducation,#SDG6, #ESD