Engaging new generations on innovative, joint and multidimensional actions addressing the Global Challenges

The challenge

The COVID 19 and the raising of conflicts exacerbated by multilevel crises even in the heart of the EU showed, especially for the youngest generations, the urgency of choosing between individual exit strategies and Global Caring solutions. The ethics of care, originated and recently re-launched from a feminist perspective, refers to ‘a moral framework characterized by a commitment to relational and care as the basis of human well-being and it is now more at the center of new paradigms: from the #FridaysForFuture to the #MeToo marches, young Europeans are evidently active actors of civic movements targeting policies’ changes and dialogue. Their involvement and active role in the policy setting to tackle global challenges is consistent with a horizontal and democratic process, where new generations can play an active role in ensuring intersectional rights, environmental sustainability and protection, equal distribution of resources and democratic participation.

The opportunity – the scope 

The Project will contribute to reinforce the active citizenship and engagement of the next generation of Global Care takers for a common sustainable Euro-Mediterranean future. The youth can be engaged in the change when enabled to recognize, monitor and network pilot initiatives and policies with the involvement of communities in transformative and systemic actions.In this line, the project aims at empowering youth organizations, groups and local communities in selected European and Mediterranean territories to co-design and implement Global Care Agendas and Actions adopting a multidimensional perspective to address the SDGs. Adopitng a gender perspective, it will also specifically strengthen gender equity increasing gender-responsive leadership and monitoring network within youth organizations, groups and local communities.


The 40-months long project aims at empowering youth organizations, groups and local communities in the European and Mediterranean territories to engage, co-design and implement Global Care Agendas and Actions on socio-ecological transition, adopting a multidimensional perspective to address complexity towards a common change as well as strengthening gender equity in the European and Mediterranean territories.

The Partnership

RIPESS  (Czech Republic)
RIPESS (Hungary)
OJA (Morocco, Tunisia)
MDI Balkans (Albania, Serbia)

Expected outcomes

CARE Agendas and Toolkit

Youth organizations share knowledge, experiences and skills for co-designing diversity sensitive and eco-durable tools in an intersectional perspective to analyse, raise awareness and coach actions addressing Global Care.

CARE Actions

Youth organisations, collectives and communities elaborate and carry out pilot territorial initiatives targeting social and ecological transition, selected, funded and technically supported.

CARE Voicing

Youth networks activate synergies and exchanges at the Mediterranean level to amplify and multiply co-responsibility, youth engagement and mobilization.

CARE Gender Lens

Youth organizations adopt tools and strategies to promote girls and women rights and gender perspective in their actions.

CARE Gender Keepers

Youth feminist and intersectional organizations and collectives become watchdogs of the adoption of a gender perspective in initiatives and institutional decisions affecting the Global Change.


 The project is co-funded by the European Commission DEAR Programme (Raising public awareness of development issues and promoting development education in European Union)