Mediterranean food project in Greece

Med. food: Our legacy, our future

The new project of MEdIES: “Mediterranean Diet: Our heritage & future” was approved and supported by UNESCO (Participation Program 2022-2023).  The project is essentially the extension and adaptation of the SIDUMEF Programme in Greece!

It is implemented during the period: January 2023 – December 2023.

Its main goal is the development of the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes of formal and non-formal educators, as well as the general public, regarding the potential of the Mediterranean food products, and diet in promoting Sustainability and Intercultural Dialogue.


  • The environmental and socio-economic aspects of the Mediterranean diet and its characteristic food products such as the olives and olive oil; cereals; the vine & its products, etc.
  • The intangible and tangible cultural value and heritage of the Mediterranean diet.
  • The strong dynamics of the Mediterranean diet in strengthening and maintaining the intercultural dialogue for sustainability in the Mediterranean region.


  • The translation, adaptation and the production in Greek of the SIDUMEF material available here
  • Awareness rasising and dialogue actions for teachers, trainers and the public, in Greece, live and online ones, with the participation of panelists from the Mediterranean took place in autumn 2023 gathering some 70 participants! Read more about them here.