A mobile exhibition to sensitise on marine litter
A legacy of a now finished European project, this awareness exhibition, after having been displayed on hundreds of occasions throughout Europe, keeps travelling in Greece.A problem of global concern
In recent years the media often deluges us with alarming pictures of beaches with mountains of garbage, or sea wildlife that is trapped, choked or dead because of litter, particularly plastic. Plastic is found in all seas and coasts around the world… lying on shores … floating at any depth… even in the most isolated, pristine environments.
Surveys show that globally marine litter are up to 70-80 % plastic. If one considers how plastic has taken over the planet in the last 50 years, and that the first generation of plastics of the 1960s of the are still with us today (unless they are incinerated), one starts to grasp the huge dimensions of the problem.
The exhibition in Greece
MIO-ECSDE grants for free the exhibition to any interested party for a set period, provided that this party undertakes its transport and safe-keeping, and that it displays it for non-commercial purposes. It is bilingual (Eng – Greek) and is available to be displayed in outdoor or indoor spaces of minimum 80 – 100 sq meters. Those interested in displaying the exhibition, please contact info@medies.net.
travelling all around Europe
Back in 2012 within the European project MARLISCO, MIO-ECSDE has developed an exhibition to sensitise the Europeans on the issue. It consists of 12 thought provoking panels, which explore the sources, impacts and possible ways to tackling the global challenge of marine litter, especially plastic.
Since then this exhibition has been displayed on hundreds of occasions, festivals, clean-ups, environment days etc. having reached more than 100,000 Europeans. The exhibition invites viewers to rethink their choices, and habits by reducing, reusing and recycling and repairing items they use, and to adopt more responsible lifestyles.
Technical Parameters
The exhibition is comprised of a set of 12 panels, fixed through wooden poles (H=2.10 m) on a set of 16 barrels (H=1.10m, d=0.50m), a symbol of marine waste in many peoples’ mind; the use of the blue color of the sea and the horizon. It is produced with green / sustainable standards, with close to zero waste in itself (all of its elements are recycled and/or recyclable).
The Displays in Greece: 2014 – today

30 APRIL – 4 MAY 2014 Athens Science festival
More than 5,000 visitors including school groups, university researchers, families, artists and scientists took part in the rich 5 day long Science Festival that took place in Technopolis, Athens.

20 Sept 2014, ICC cleanup Day
Joining the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC), an annual global event taking place in 100 countries. Our cleanup took place on a heavily littered beach (SEF Stadium of Athens), with the participation of 100 people mostly students.

September 2015 Elefsina City Hall
The exhibition was combined with a teachers seminar on the use of the new resource “Know, Feel, Act to Stop Marine litter”, (~30 teachers), and an international conference about the environmental perspectives of the Elefsina Gulf (~ 60 participants).

Oct – Dec 2018, Nikaia city
After two years of silence, the exhibition was awaken, cleansed, and looking like new it was displayed, this time in Nikaia City. It received classes, guided by the municipality, and free visitors. During the two month display it had an outreach to more than 1,800 students, 70 teachers and 800 citizens.

Jan – May 2022, Ionian University
Following an online training (13 Dec 2021) and face-to-face coaching with the staff of the Ionian University, during a period of three months, 12 volunteer University Students have been the hosts and tour-guides to ~ 1000 school students from Zakynthos Island who visited the exhibition and were informed of the problem of Marine Litter. Read more (in Greek)

Some 120 people, mostly families and youth gathered in the beach of Varkiza on this Saturday morning, to clean up the coast, play and learn about marine litter, celebrating the Europe Cleanup Day.

26 Sept 2014, Researchers’ Night
Hosted at the national research centre “Demokritos” in Athens. In only one night the exhibition reached some 1.500 people taking part in a tour to the fascinating world of science, research and technology.

May – April 2016, Patras city
Hosted at the Environmental Education Municipal Park (Agia Beach) of Patras city, the exhibition was the theme of a teaher training. For one month it received guided school visits on a daily basis (50-60 students per day).

October 2019, athens city
This year we were hosted by the largest municipality of Greece, the city of Athens. During the four weeks display at Serafio Centre, it was visited systematically by schools and free visitors. In total it had an outreach to more than 420 students, 70 teachers, and hundreds of citizens.

EC Environment Commissioner and Greek Minister of Environment officially open the exhibition at the University of Athens, during the inauguration ceremony of the Mediterranean Litter Week.

April – June 2015, Attica Zoo
During a three month period, right next to the Aquarium of the Zoo, the exhibition informed the visitors about the threats of marine litter. The Zoo receives hundreds of visitors daily and many organised school visits.

may 2016, megara city
Megara Municipality undertook the transfer and hosting of the exhibition for 3 weeks. Following a seminar for teachers, the local schools visited the exhibition in order to increase students’ awareness on the issue of marine litter.

June 2020, ELEFSINA city HALL
On the occasion of the World Environment Day (5th June) and the World Oceans Day (8th June) the exhibition on marine litter was hosted in the town hall of Elefsina, for two weeks. Citizens should stay alert as the single use plastics that end ashore rise, dee to the covid-19 pandemic. Read more.

Hosted at the beautiful building of Zappeion Megaron (Athens) during the informal Council Meeting of EU Environment Ministers, with aproximately 200 delegates.

May 2015 – May 2016, Goulandri Natural History Museum
This pioneer institution in environmental education, within its one-year long program “Message of the Sea” reproduced and displayed the banners of exhibition. During this year the museum received more than 25,000 visitors.

june 2016, Andros island
On the occasion of the World Environment Day the exhibition travelled to Andros Island and was hosted in Gavrion old Primary School for one month. A training seminar was also organised with the local CEE, for 60 teachers.

July 2021, Port in Zakynthos island
Responding to the kind invitation of the Zakynthos-based CSO “Platyforos”, the exhibition travelled to Zakynthos Island. For 10 days, every afternoon the exhibition welcomed families, tourists and strollers in the port and informed them on the status and threats of marine litter. Read more