An introductory session to the Hybrid University took place, face-to-face in Asterousia, Crete between the 12th and 14th September 2022. Around 15 people from Greece participated, some from the Asterousia Bioshere Reserve (BR) and others from areas that are in the process of applying to become BRs.

The opening session took place in Kapetaniana, Asterousia and continued with a public awareness raising event in the Municipality of Faistos. On the second day, experts of the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR) gave lectures on pressing marine issues and emphasised the need for ocean literacy. The lectures were followed by a guided tour of the CretAquarium. The last day took place in the Natural History Museum of Crete (NHMC). This day lectures focused on ecosystem services, the impacts of waste on the landscape and the importance of beach cleaning & monitoring. The event closed with a guided tour at the Museum.

The activities were filmed and a part of them will be used in the second online online phase of the Hybrid University.

Read more in Greek language (agenda, presentations, press release)