MEdIES was happy to host the final events of the CreDiT Project in Athens, on the 30th of January 2025 celebrating 2 years of learning and creation of new digital tools to enhance sustainability education in museums!

So, in the morning Ms Iro Alampei, MEdIES/MIO-ECSDe  reached out to more than 60 high-school students informing them about CreDiT new e-platforms and engaging them in AQUAPLAY tool, while in the afteroon, the partneres and invited guests (in total 25 people)  participated in the closing conference of the project that took place in ETERON premises in Athens.

The conference kicked-off with Prof Scoullos reminding us in his key-note presentation about “The Mediterranean Water Heritage”  while Ms Giulia Sergianpietri, CreDiT Coordinator (DocServizi) presented an overview of the CreDiT Project. Then Ms Margarita Maruškić Kulaš, AQUATIKA Aquarium presented the new platforms that created within CreDiT: of AQUATIKA and of Opificio delle Acque, and Ms Vicky Malotidi, MEdIES/MIO-ECSDE presented the new section of HYDRIA:

Last but not least, Eriberto Eulisse Executive Director  Global Network of Water Museums presented the AQUAPLAY: An interactive tool for water sustainability education, as the main legacy of the project. The conference ended with discussion on how to use CreDiT outcomes in Water Sustainability Education during which the participants expressed their interest to engage AQUAPLAY in their teaching/educating work contexts.