January – February – March 2020
Dear MEdIES members and friends,
For most of us, our working routine does not go about business as usual these days. In times of health anxiety and job uncertainty we find it hard for a welcome message to set a positive message. However, we like to think that this bulletin brings everyone a glimpse of normality by taking us back to recent positive moments and looking ahead to all good things we can all do after the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
As ESD practitioners, we can’t help but wonder: Will societies come out of this crisis more sensitized and keen to act with more respect for the environment, fellow humans and the climate? Or will they quickly forget and go back to their old behaviors and habits? This remains to be seen. As ESD practitioners, we should prepare for both scenaria. For the time being, we take it one day at a time and we stay home. Keep updated of course, but avoid the toxicity that is generated when following only COVID-19 news.

2020 available week-long courses of MEdIES on ESD topics
Since 2018, MEdIES offers week-long trainings on ESD themes for educators. For the Europe-based applicants, the courses are eligible to be 100% funded by Erasmus+KA1. This year, MEdIES offers 3 ESD specializations: marine litter, animation and non-conventional water. The three courses will take place in autumn 2020 – spring 2021. Read more at this link

MEdIES staff trained on Intercultural Learning, Bologna, February 2020
Between 16 and 22 February 2020, just before the covid-19 outbreak, three staff and consultants of MEdIES traveled to Bologna (Italy) to participate in the training “Intercultural Learning and Cultural Diversity in the classroom”. The course, aimed to help formal and non-formal educators develop our cultural awareness and give us tools and approaches to cater to a multicultural and ethnically diverse group of students. The mobility was possible thanks to an Erasmus+ KA1 grant (adult educators). Read more here

Four Greek teachers’ trainings on marine litter, Biosphere Reserves and animation, February 2020
During February, MEdIES organized 4 teachers’ trainings in Greece: (i) On 10 February, a training about ‘SD/ESD in Biosphere Reserves’ took place in Heraklion (Crete) within the nomination of Asterousia region to enter the World Network of Biosphere Reserves of MAB/UNESCO. The training took place back-to-back with a youth meeting to promote MAB issues in Crete. The events were co-organised with the Heraklion Development Agency (with 20 participants) (ii) On 12 February a training on “Animation in Education” took place in Athens, with 30 teachers, introduced to tools and methods of creating animations with their students. It was co-organised with the Primary and Secondary Education Directories of Piraeus (iii) On 26 and 27 February, in Athens, 2 trainings were held on Education on Marine Litter. In total, 60 teachers participated in hands-on activities on causes and impacts of marine litter and practices to deal with the issues emphasizing on recycling, beach clean-ups and monitoring. The trainings were co-organised with the Primary and Secondary Education Directories of A’ Athens and HELMEPA.
educational resources
The DIVE-IN guidebook
The DIVE-IN guidebook for facilitators in diversity and inclusion pedagogies is finalized! The Guide reports on the activities held and the lessons learnt in the four project countries Greece, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine, and provides a compilation of free online resources relevant to Inclusion Education and Education for Sustainable Development!
Read more about the DIVE IN project here.
Download Guidebook in PDF (in English) here
Online resource on non-conventional water resources
This educational app aspires to cultivate inquiry, creativity and problem-solving skills and to inspire responsible water consumption habits. It is designed to be played directly by students that speak English (mainly 10 to 13 years old), with or without the guidance of the teacher or parent. No subscription required, just visit the website and enjoy learning through playing: https://ncwr-edu.net
Updates on ESD Policy
One of the MEdIES main tasks is advocating on ESD. This entails following the ESD policies at EU, regional and global level, supporting the Mediterranean Strategy on ESD & its Action Plan, being a GAP/UNESCO partner, liaising with the UNECE ESD Steering Committee, etc. Within these frameworks, during the first three months of 2020, MEdIES prepared input on two major ESD policy frameworks:
(a) the draft Roadmap of “ESD for 2030” prepared by UNESCO in cooperation with its partners to be officially launched in the upcoming World Conference on ESD (see 3B)
(b) the UNECE Strategic Planning 2030, the preamble of which was authored by MEdIES coordinator, Prof Scoullos.
Postponement of the Berlin UNESCO World ESD Conference for 2021
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development, which was planned to be held from 2 to 4 June 2020 in Berlin, Germany, is postponed for next year. UNESCO will share the new dates shortly. MEdIES had submitted a proposal for a side-event to take place within the Conference in the format of a workshop on the case of the Mediterranean as a good regional example of promoting and developing ESD, through its Strategy and Action Plan.
New deadline of the www yOUTH cONTEST 30 April 2020
The deadline of the Water We Want Youth Contest organized by the Global Network of Water Museums was postponed. You can send us your candidate drawing, photo or 1-minute- video until to 30 April 2020! More information here
– Distance learning tools from UNESCO to mitigate the global school closings. The list contains useful tools for professional development of teachers that can be used regardless of the timeliness. Read more here.
– Sea of Words Contest: This 13th edition of the contest asks young people to explain their own experiences and feelings about climate change in the Mediterranean. Read more here
– COVID-19 RESOURCE: This child led resource from the Economist Educational Foundation, teaches students about Covid-19 while developing their media literacy skills. Read more here.