Tink@school is an Erasmus+ project aiming to help teachers integrate sustainability into their lessons through the innovative and creative method of tinkering.
Tinkering is an inspiring experiential learning approach where students have to use their creativity and resilience to create something physical.
Within the project, three types of materials were prepared to support educators in their efforts to apply activities merging tinkering with sustainability for their learners.

A. Methodology Toolkit
This toolkit serves as an introductory guide for anyone with no experience, curious to start mixing Tinkering and Sustainability. It consists of a brief description and examples of the Tinkering methodology, ideas how to infuse Tinkering with sustainability education and how one can start to “Tinker”.

B. Learning Activities
Eleven (11) Activity Plans for various sustainability topics have been co-authored by the partners, aimed at students in upper primary and lower secondary school level.
Methodology wise, all activities rotate around three main axes : Re-use & Re-duce | Tinkering solutions | Tinkering for change

C. Facilitators' Guide
This guide includes general information and extra tips for those that will be facilitating the learning activities, as well as a glossary and suggestions for extra materials and resources.
All resources are available in ENGLISH, GREEK, ITALIAN, DUTCH and ICELANDIC languages.
Read more on Tink@school activities and download the resources
Tink@school (2022-1-IS01-KA220-SCH-000087083) is funded with support from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.