The SIDUMEF partners met via zoom to coodinate their actions within the project! Representatives from AOYE, CMED, LEGAMBIENTE, PWL , MIO-ECSDE and the UNESCO Chair on ESD in the Mediterran/University of Athens – discussed and reflected on the tasks’ progress. The importance of the take-home messages of the new material caused a lot of brainstorming;
– Mediterran food brings us together;
– We recognize the differences & celebrate the diversity;
– Understanding the value of Mediterranean food contributes to a workfare society cohesion , stability and peace in the region;
– Through tradition innovation is promoted;
– “Slow food”, the comeback of Mediterranean culinary heritage in supermarkets & restos , the shift in the farmers’ social statues, youth small firms on, are among the current trends to be demonstrated.
The partners gave an overview of their desk study and in this context, the various overlaps and gaps in terms of content were identified . In this line, the partners will continue with the elaboration of their inputs while the coordinator (MIO-ECSDE) is folllowing up with the necessary synthesis and elaboration.
More about SIDUMEF here

With the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation

Co-funded by the European Union