My Sustainable Living Challenge (MSLC) is an online gamified learning platform that channels learning towards behaviour change through actionable commitments.

In 2024 ediution, they offer a special edition exclusive to university students and youth organizations. Their aim is to foster sustainable living education among Higher Education institutions.

The challenge takes learners on a six-week journey in an immersive environment, in which they learn about sustainability, system change, and the impact of their lifestyles across the domains of food, housing, mobility, consumption and leisure by participating in engaging weekly challenges. Every week, a new challenge presents teams with thought-provoking content prepared in collaboration with experts from the UNEP, in an accessible and fun way.

The weekly activities nudge participants to put their learning into practicethrough real-life actions. By enabling participants to share expertise and ideas with peers, the activities solidify commitments and accountability.

The course is Free for University Students!

Are you interested to join? Form a group of 7-10 Studens form the same University or Youth Organisation and Register !

Deadline is 5 July 

Register here