Just a few weeks before the UNESCO World Conference on ESD (17-19 May 2021) the Mediterranean Committee on ESD organised the “Mediterranean Preparatory Webinar for #ESDfor2030” on 20 April 2021 (14.00-15.30 EEST) to assist the Mediterranean ESD community in their preparations ahead of the Conference.
More than 60 participants from Ministries of Education and Environment, International/Regional Organizations, NGOs, schools and academia joined the discussion on how to plan and contribute to the implementation of the ESD 2030 Roadmap in the region.
Selected panelists from international/regional organizations and country representatives shared their ESD good practices and plans for the way forward, while they re-confirmed commitment in advancing ESD.
This commitment came hand-in-hand with participants’ recognition that ESD needs further advancement in their countries.
In line with SDG17 (on partnerships), the importance of regional cooperation and initiatives in boosting ESD was clearly highlighed from both the participants and the panelists.
Other issues of concern that were discussed was the close connection of Environmental & Cultural aspects in addressing challenges, the advancing of ESD in the SD/SDGs Policies and the need of non-state actors to be engaged in the “ESDfor2030” national plans.
Based on the interventions made and the participants’ feedback the Secretarial prepared a Mediterranean ESD Message to be conveyed to the upcoming Regional Meetings in the context of the World Conference in which the notions of peace, support of educators, and inclusiveness, are stressed, among others.

Welcome & Opening remarks, Dr Aravella Zachariou, MCESD Chair, UNECE Steering Committee on ESD Chair and Prof Michael Scoullos, UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development Management and Education in the Mediterranean, MIO-ECSDE Chairman, MEdIES Coordinator
Introduction to the UNESCO World Conference on ESD (17-19 May 2021) & its key aspects, Ms Won Jung Byun, UNESCO Senior Project Officer, Section of ESD, UNESCO Paris
Panel discussion:
- Mr Jonathan Baker, Head of Science, UNESCO Regional Office in Venice
- Ms Tatjana Hema, Deputy Coordinator, UNEP/MAP- Barcelona Convention Secretariat
- Mr Giuseppe Provenzano, Advisor for Research and Innovation, Higher Education and Research Division, UfM Secretariat
- Ms Hayam Al Sallal, Int. Cooperation & ESD, Education & Scientific Research Dept, LAS
- Ms Aravella Zachariou, Head of ESD Unit, Ministry of Education, Cyprus
- Mr Francesco Debono, Ministry of Education, Malta
- Mr. Ahmad Obaidat, Director, Outreach & Environment Awareness, Directorate Ministry of Environment, Jordan
The event was organised by the Secretariat of the Mediterranean Commitee on Education for Sustainable Development (MCESD) and facilitated by MIO-ECSDE / MEdIES and the UNESCO Chair & Network on Sustainable Development Management and Education in the Mediterranean.
Watch the webinar’s video on MIO-ECSDE Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQauKNPZ7l4