This publication “Mediterranean Food: Our legacy, our future. A Resource Handbook” was co-created in the context of the SIDUMEF Project in 2021, a project awarded by the Anna Lindh Foundation (2020 ALF/CFP/ICD/215) with the key goal to contribute to a continuous intercultural dialogue for sustainability through fostering the understanding and competences related to the various aspects and dimensions of the Mediterranean food and diet.

The handbook is addressed to people aged from 15 years old, and it can be used in a wide spectrum of audiences and in formal as well as non-formal/informal learning settings and awareness raising initiatives.

Its contents include the presentation of the evolution of the Mediterranean cuisines and the characteristic food products of the region, the current dietary trends in the region, the challenges related to food consumption (i.e. food waste & loss) and production (i.e. biodiversity risks, pollution, resourcs depletion, etc.) as well as the sustainable options (tools, management approaches, policies, practices, etc.) to address these challenges.

The handbook developed in three languages: ENGLISH FRENCH , ITALIAN  and GREEK  while its translation in Arabic is completed as well.