A program that has long-supported meaningful intercultural exchange and worldwide educational partnerships leans into mission in polarized times

Over the past 11 years, Project Zero (PZ) of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, researchers have connected more than 70,000 young people from classrooms in more than 70 countries in a vast online and intercultural learning community. The Open Canopy originally started out as a small experimental educational space, inspired by a journalist multiyear walk around the world retracing the migratory footsteps of our ancient ancestors. 

The origin story and the much broader evolving project (previously called Out of Eden Learn), has become are explained in a new manual for educators: The Open Canopy Handbook, co-authored by PZ researchers.

Through The Open Canopy initiative, any teacher worldwide can sign up for free curricula known as “learning journeys,” and have their students, ages 3–19, paired with groups of learners of a similar age from different socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds, around the world. All the students who participate enjoy shared learning experiences, asynchronously, that emphasize critical thinking, creativity, and deep understanding. 

The work is influenced by five basic principles: 

  1. Slowing down to observe the world closely
  2. Sharing stories and perspectives
  3. Making connections
  4. Learner-generated content
  5. Thoughtful peer-to-peer exchange 

Read more, access the handbook and the curricula, and why not engage in slow education yourself : ))

Credits: Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education