Asterousia 2024 - Phase A

Integrated Management in Biosphere Reserves and other Designated Sites of South-East Europe & the Mediterranean. This year we will focus on SDG 15 ‘Life on Land’ terrestrial (and aquatic) ecosystems within the context of integrated management approaches.

Following the successful Summer Universities organized jointly by MIO-ECSDE and the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe for a number of years, and since the designation of the Asterousia BR, also the Region of Crete (Heraklion Development Agency) and the Local Management Committee of Asterousia, this year the event will takes place once again in a hybrid format and is entitled “Integrated Management in Biosphere Reserves and other designated areas in South East Europe and the Mediterranean”

The event is split n two phases, with

  • Phase A taking place face-to-face for up to 25 international and local participants, in and around Asterousia BR between 21 and 25 October 2024, and
  • Phase B taking place online for up to 100 participants (foreseen to start in January 2025), as a 3-week long event to capitalize and broaden the outcomes of Phase A

It is mandatory for that are selected to participate in Phase A, to follow also Phase B.


When: 21 October (arrivals)- 25 October (departures)

Where: Within and around the Asterousia BR

Whom: Up to 25 post graduate students, educators, young scientists and managers, studying or working in existing, or potential Biosphere Reserves, Geo-parks, Ecohydrology demonstration sites, Natura 2000 and other designated areas with a priority given to participants from South-eastern Europe and Mediterranean countries.

Language: English (translation will be provided in some sessions that will be held in Greek language)

Fees: A symbolic registration fee of 100 Euro will apply for selected participants, to secure their position. The organisers will cover the Flight, Accomodation (in shared rooms), Local transport and meals.

Deadline Application deadline was 30 September. The organisers are in contact with the selected participants. 


Download the Call for Applications

2024-2025 Focus Theme

The main theme this year will be SDG 15 ‘Life on Land’ terrestrial (and aquatic) ecosystems within the context of integrated management approaches such as the the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) nexus and the Source-to-Sea continuum approach. Specific sub-topics to be covered through the lectures, workshops, field-visits and peer learning activities are:

    • How local actions in BRs and other sites can be good practices, could be monitored and could provide data that could be used as indicators to help meet the SDG 15 targets
    • Biodiversity Assessments | Establishing Monitoring Systems to track progress
    • Freshwater related challenges in BRs (e.g. land use, soil degradation, intensive agriculture, pollution, overexploitation, etc.) and solutions, including Non-Conventional Water Resources and small reservoirs 
    • Good practices from Ecohydrology demonstration sites
    • Degraded Habitat Restoration projects such as tree-planting, reforestation and wetland restoration.
    • Sustainable eco / agro tourism practices
    • The role of Community engagement | Youth | Citizen Science approaches under the umbrella of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

Expected Results 

The Participants of the 2024-2025 Hybrid University (Phase A and B) are expected to:

  • Become aware of the global, UN, EU and Mediterranean policy agendas, on sustainable development and climate change;
  • Understand the importance of sustainable/integrated management for all SDGs;
  • Exchange on the key challenges related to terrestrial and freshwater aquatic ecosystems (e.g. pollution, water shortage, erosion, soil degradation,) and opportunities (e.g. sustainable tourism) in the management of designated areas;
  • Be familiarised with principles, methods, tools and cases of BR management (e.g. success stories of sustainable development);
  • Discuss Climate Change adaptation and mitigation measures already or potentially applicable in their regions;
  • Contribute in discussions, group work and peer learning with actors from different climatic zones.
  • Be introduced to cases of Non-Conventional Water Resources (NCWR), esp. of Crete;
  • Interact with stakeholders and professionals of the Asterousia BR;
  • Develop their own proposals for the sustainable management of their own sites; or Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) or citizen science activities.

The main organisers & sponsors of the 2024 Hybrid University are:

  • The UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (Link)
  • Region of Crete (Link)
  • Heraklion Development Agency (Link)
  • The Local Management Committee of Asterousia 
  • UNESCO Chair and Network on Sustainable Development Management and Education at the University of Athens (UoA)
  • The Greek National Committee of the MAB/UNESCO Programme
  • Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE) through the MEdIES initiative (Link MIO-ECSDE, Link MEdIES)

Other contributors: The Hybrid University will bring together a series of actors involved with freshwater or marine water management in and around the Asterousia BR, including:

  • Romanian Science UNESCO network
  • Natural History Museum of Crete
  • Association for the Protection of Asterousia (Link)