Within the project “Plastic Waste? Into the blue bin, away from the blue sea!” that is applied in Greece, through the collaboration of HERRCO and MIO-ECSDE/ MEdIES, a series of live as well as e-meetings took place during the autumn of 2020. These events aimed to sensitise the public and the educational communities on the threats of plastic waste and the benefits of the proper recycling, through the Blue Bins.
All live events were organised in line with the Covid-19 safety protocol. Despite the restrictions, these live events had a high participation, a fact that shows the undiminished interest of the municipalities and the local communities to improve their waste management and recycling systems.
Specifically the events organised were:
- 15th October 2020, Nea Propontida: A small municipality in the Northern Greece kindly hosted and coorganised a public event for citizens and teachers. The event hosted 8 speakers while more than 64 citizens attended the event. After the presentations the attendees engaged in a lively conversation about waste management in their municipality.
- 16th October, Thassos island: The event was coorganised with the kind cooperation of the municipality. It hosted 6 speakers (one through Skype) due to the pandemic. 19 people attended the event, as there was a recent Covid-19 case diagnosed on the island.
- 23 October, Tinos island: The event was coorganised with the kind cooperation of the municipality having 23 participants.
At the end of the live events, the citizens received informative leaflets and instructions on how to recycle correctly and a recycling bag to sort their recyclable waste at home.
However, due to the next big lockdown that imposed early in November all live events had to shift to webinars. So, until late December five teachers webinars gathering about 130 participants took place.
In adddition, two virtual public awareness raising events were otrganised with a great succeess:
- 17 December in cooperation with the Municipality of Syros-Ermoupolis with live steaming & digital campaign from the Municipality’s Facebook page that was watched by 770 citizens.
- 22 December in cooperation with the Municipality of Lavreotikis with live steaming & digital campaign from the Municipality’s Facebook page reaching 22.984 people.