Valuing Water Through Art and Science

On the occassion of the World Water Day (WWD- 22 March) this special event organised by the Global Water Museums Network brings together artists and scientists from across the globe, focusing on the climate change impacts to water and people, particularly in mountaineous areas.

The event will feature a screening of Earth Flow, an electro-orchestral music video commissioned by the Orchestra of St John’s and composed by the band, pecq, with imagery by videographer Ross Harrison in response to scientific research and the Himalayas to Ocean documentary project.

The panelists will explore how science and art come together to value water and stimulate action!

Register here and find more information here.

Find here the brief speech of the MEdIES Coordinator, Prof Scoullos made during the event replying to the question: “What are the impacts of climate change on ecosystems and people who depend on rivers in Mediterranean mountainous areas?