Training course for formal and non-formal ESD educators on “Education about Marine Litter and the EU Directive on Single Use Plastics”

The week-long course is regularly organised by MEdIES, with the aim to build the skills of educators in delivering meaningful interventions to their students on the issue of marine litter, especially Single-Use Plastics (SUPs)by applying experiential, learner-centered, on-site (outdoor), and hands-on training methods.

This automn, the course took place between 1st and 7th of October 2023 with the participation of 7 educators from Malta, through the long-standing collaboration of MEdIES with Nature Trust Malta (NTM) and their Eko-Skola initiative. During the course, several educational resources were presented, both from MEdIES and others. A mix of in-house and external experts facilitated the sessions, resulting to a rich learning content and experience.

This year despite the small group of participants, we managed to include a massive clean-up held with the help of aprox. 100 students the Lyceum students of Arsakeio-Tositseio of Ekali, as well as the voluntary Divers’ team of Greece in.  

The educators supported their participation through the KA1 (Key Action 1: Mobility of Individuals) of Erasmus+.


Evaluation took place through an anonymous questionnaire sent a few days after the course completion. The rate of satisfaction, based on 7 responses, was 100% or 6 out of 6 (!)

Upcoming courses 

This course is repeated on a regular basis (twice a year), provided that it has a minimum of 10 participants each time.

Next foreseen session is for October 2024. For more information check our website or write to us at info[@]


Super well done! Very well organised and all information and activities were very well planned. Will definitely use this in my lessons.

Participant, October 2023

Overall it was very interesting and hands-on. Hopefully, I would be able to attend another KA1 course of MEdIES/ MIO-ECSDE. 

Participant, Oct 2022

Was expecting to be a bigger group from various countries, however being a smaller group allowed for more personal development, involvement and connection.

Participant, Oct 2023