A new teachers’ guide on waste by UNESCO

The action-based activities in this guide intend to contribute to fostering the three dimensions of learning (cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioural) and thereby promoting cross-cutting competencies for the SDGs, such as systems thinking, anticipatory competency, collaboration, critical thinking and integrated problem-solving.

The OBSERVE-ACT-REFLECT-CELEBRATE approach: All Trash Hack activities follow an action-based and student-oriented approach for transformative learning. Beside action, observation and reflection are key elements throughout the learning process. For learning and multiplying the impact, it is important to celebrate the achievements and to invite peers, parents and the community to be part of the solution.

This is a mini-guide, just 19 page long, leaving room to teachers and students for adjustments and creation of their own learning paths. Includes recomendations (links) for further readings and work.


Learn more about the Trash Hack Campaign

Or follow the launching 1.5 hour event on Youtube