On 25 November 2020 the SIDUMEF partners met via zoom to kick off their actions within the project! The experts from the partner organizations – AOYE, CMED, LEGAMBIENTE, PWL and MIO-ECSDE – discussed about the project’s goals, tasks and deliverables.
Prof Scoullos presented the overall framework and explained the scope and background of the project while the partners discussed about the key content and format of the new educational resource. Characteristic (typical) food products as well as their cooking variations from country to country together with the linkages between key ingrediences and important fast periods seemed to monopolised the partners’ interest during this discussion. In addition, participants agreed to capitalize and build on the resources already available and to focus on the “common” while in parallel discuss the variations. Current topics of common concern was agreed to be touched upon such as food waste and food lost, traditions related to sustainable production practices, responsible consumption, how the pandemic re-oriented us towards culianry heritage, when high cuisine meets street food, etc.
All partners reaffirmed their interest in this new educational resource and the rest of the project’s tasks while they are currently developing their contributions, based on the initial table of contents co-created during and after the kick-off.
More about SIDUMEF here.

With the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation

The Anna Lindh Foundation is co-funded by the European Union