Schools are closed, the scolastic year is coming to its end, it is time for “recovery”, reflection, and …reporting!

This is the latest report about ESD in EU countries, released recently,  investigating which sustainability-related competences are included in the school curricula (based on the GreenComp tool/frame), whether this is done through a cross-curricular approach or integrated into specific subjects. It also examines how European countries prepare and support teachers in building and developing these green/ESD competences in their students; and analyses the support offered to schools to implement WSA to promote learning for sustainability.

(!) Spoiler alert: 

Overall, most European countries integrate sustainability-related competences in the curricula, provide dedicated training, teaching resources, learning materials and guidelines to help teachers delivering  ESD, and support schools in various ways. However, progress can still be made in:

– embedding sustainability competences more extensively in greater detail across the whole curriculum;

– reinforcing targeted support, guidance and training opportunities for teachers and school leaders;

– providing more financial and non-financial support for specific school activities.

Access the report from here 

(C)  European Education and Culture Executive Agency, 2024