MEdIES is coordinating a new regional activity of the WES Programme on Awareness Raising and Education for Sustainable Development for Sustainable Consumption or Water/NCWRs.
The activity is actually the second phase of the previous related ones that took place on 2021 & 2022. This phase includes a series of online mentoring sessions supported by the MEdIES team and other experts following on a needs-based custom-made approach.
To this end, the first joint regional (online) meeting organised on the 25th of January 2024, at 11.00-14.00 (GMT+2) providing the opportunity to the 14 participants for sharing their case studies on ESD on NCWR or Consumption, discussing and receiving reflections and feedback from the experts and their peers.
9 bilateral (online) mentoring sessions followed between February and March during which the participants reflected in more depth on their experiences and challenges in developing and coordinating such ESD activities and discussed with the MEdIES team on relevant opportunities and possibilities (e.g. fundraising tools, developing material, community outreach, dissemination, etc.)
Find at this link the training material presented in the first plennary session of January and the recorded video.