The live phase took place in and around the Asterousia BR (Crete) between 18 and 24 September 2023, with the participation of 26 people in total: 13 internationals from 9 countries, plus 13 from Greece, including the facilitators.
The onine Phase B took between January and February 2024, over a 3 week periof and included synchronous and asynchronous content as well as input from Phase A. More than 60 participants from all around the world took part.

Snapshots of PHASE A
Video teaser of PHASE A
Presentation of the Asterousia Hybrid University 2023 (Phase A) at the biannual newsletter of UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe,
Bridges: Issue 1 2024 (issue n°1, January-June 2024)
The main organisers & sponsors of the 2023 Hybrid University are:
- The UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (Venice Office) (Link)
- Region of Crete (Link)
- Heraklion Development Agency (Link)
- Association for the Protection of Asterousia (Link)
- UNESCO Chair and Network on Sustainable Development Management and Education at the University of Athens (UoA)
- The Greek National Committee of the MAB/UNESCO Programme
- Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE) through the MEdIES initiative (Link MIO-ECSDE, Link MEdIES)
- Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med) (Link)
Other contributors: The Hybrid University will bring together a series of actors involved with freshwater or marine water management in and around the Asterousia BR, including:
- Natural History Museum of Crete
- HCMR Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
- The Oceanographic Institute and Aquarium
- Local Associations of professionals