cultivating environmentally literate & responsible citizens
get to know us
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The “Mediterranean Education Initiative on Environment and Sustainability” (MEdIES) is the long-standing initiative of the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE) on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): a holistic type of education that equally addresses the economic, ecological and social dimensions of any given topic.
Since 2002, when it was first launched during the Johannesburg Summit for Sustainable Development, MEdIES has run ESD projects in countries all around the Mediterranean and has used its website as a window to ESD stories from around the world.
From 2005 to 2014, MEdIES closely followed the UN Decade on ESD. Since 2015, its activities have been aligned with the Education 2030 Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Mediterranean Strategy on ESD (MSESD). Recently became a partner of the ESD-Net, and of the Greening Education Partnership
Both formal (teachers) and non-formal (i.e. facilitators) through trainings & seminars.
Through school visits and targeted initiatives such as student contests, etc.
Through public events such as exhibitions, conferences, festivals, etc.
We promote Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at all levels, from the institutional to the grass-root level,
aiming for responsible, environmentally literate, democratic and ethical global citizens, who make informed choices and engage in committed actions, based on the values of sustainability.
Using ESD as a “vehicle”, we run projects on topics from water, food, and waste, to cultural heritage and human rights.
We address everyone from students and (formal and non-formal) educators, to environmental managers, education administrators and the public.

on ESD and provide technical support to the Mediterranean Committee on ESD. We are partners of the UNESCO ESD-Net 2030 Network
We create
educational resources: student and teacher materials, publications, posters, exhibitions.
We train
ESD trainers and teachers through workshops, seminars, online courses, summer schools, youth exchanges.
We support
the UNESCO Chair & Network on Sustainable Development Management & Education in the Mediterranean (UoA) and the Mediterranean Universities Network (MedUnNET) on ESD aspects.
We sensitise
at the grass-root level through dedicated school visits, festivals, contests, films, etc.
We design
the educational content of E-GAMES and web APPS.
on education and sustainable development topics.
We facilitate
an e-network of approximately 6,000 ESD educators.
We believe in bottom up approaches.
We believe in co-creation approaches within diverse teams.
We enjoy swimming in new ‘uncharted’ waters, that somehow intersect with ESD.
We believe in the experiential, hands-on learning process …
We bring together many different players & networks.
We value clear rules and transparency in our collaborations. We are responsible, consistent, supportive.
We are lifelong learners ourselves. We reflect and evolve (self-transform) in the way we work.
get to know us
- Get a glimpse at the types of activities we do through a short animated video.
- Take a look at our brochure in English or in Greek language.
- Browse in our old website.
- Watch the clip in Greek.
Want to contribute? Join us!
Our People
Michael Scoullos
MEdIES Coordinator
Prof. Scoullos (PhD, MSc) is the Chairman of MIO-ECSDE since the early 1990s, and holder of the UNESCO Chair on ESD in the Mediterranean (UoA). Among many other things, he is the driving force behind the Mediterranean Strategy on ESD and its Action Plan and author of innumerable resources and scientific articles on ESD.
Iro Alampei
MEdIES Secretariat
Iro (MEd) joined the MEdIES Secretariat in 2002. With a Chemistry background, she soon followed the path of Science and Museum Education, as well as ESD. She is keen on “how people learn” and on creating supporting environment for such a learning to take place.
Vicky Malotidi
MEdIES Secretariat
Vicky (MEd) is engaged in developing and applying experiential learning activities on Sustainability for children and adults. She has been supporting the MEdIES Secretariat since 2002. A Chemist with a Masters of Education in Science Education, she is also a Certified Adult Trainer.
VaSsilis Psallidas
MEdIES Secretariat
Vassilis (MSc) has supported the MIO-ECSDE educational activities since the mid-1990s. He enriches the MEdIES Secretariat with his experience as a former Natural Sciences secondary education teacher and school principle. He has (co)authored and edited many educational resources.
who we collaborate with:
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (Venice Office)
UN Environment MAP
Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)
UNECE | ESD Steering Committee
League of Arab States (LAS)
- Bridge 47 network
- EU School Education Gateway
- GWP-Med
- Anna Lindh Foundation
- Makhzoumi Foundation
- Mohamed V Foundation
- World Environmental Education Conference (WEEC)
- Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB)
- EPALE – Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe
- Baltic University Programme (BUP)
- British Council (Greece)
- Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs of Greece
- Ministry of Environment and Energy of Greece
- Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea Protection of Italy
- Ministry of Education of Cyprus | Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus | ESD Unit
- Energy & Water Agency of Malta |The National Water Conservation Awareness Centre (Ghajn)
- UNESCO Chair & Network on ESD in the Mediterranean (at UoA)
In 2024 our activities would not have been possible without the valuable support of:
(in alphabetic order)
- Erasmus+ (through KA1 & KA2 grants)
- EU Horizon Europe
- EU DEAR Programme
- Heraklion Development Agency /Greece
- Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth | Cyprus Pedagogical Institute | ESD Unit
- Creative Europe Programme
- Region of Crete /Greece
- GWP-Med (Zero Drop Campaign)
- UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (Venice Office)
Earlier supporters:
(in alphabetic order)
- AKOMM (Psiloritis Development Agency S.A.), Greece (2020-2021)
- Anna Lindh Foundation (2006, 2012, 2021)
- Coca-Cola 3Ε and Coca-Cola Hellas (2006-2013)
- Coca Cola Foundation Atlanta (2014-2018)
- Development Company of Parnonas S.A. (2018)
- Energy and Water Agency of Malta (2017-2019)
- EU (various programs 2002- today) including the EU Life Programme – Operating Grants for NGOs
- GWP-Med (for water education 2002-today)
- Hellenic Recovery Recycling Corporation (2019)
- Hellenic Petroleum Holdings S.A. (2022)
- Heraklion Development Agency | Region of Crete, Greece (2019, 2021-2022)
- Makhzoumi Foundation (2018-2022)
- McDonald Hellas (2003)
- Ministry of Education, Cyprus (2016-2019, 2022)
- Ministry of Education, Greece (2005)
- Ministry of Environment, Greece | Green Fund (2019-2021)
- Ministry of Environment, Italy (2004)
- Municipality of Nikaia, Greece (2018)
- OPAP Company, Greece (2018)
- Region of Crete (2019, 2021-2022)
- UNESCO Participation Programme (2009, 2010, 2019, 2022)
- UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Culture in Europe (various programs 2008 – today)
- UN Environment MAP (various programs 2002- today)
- Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) (various programs 2002- today)
join us
Join the MEdIES e-Network to receive our newsletter and updates on our events, workshops, etc!
Questions, feedback, requests, complaints? Do get in touch, we are always happy to hear from you and we will do our best to help!