The  2024 global risk report of the World Economic Forum (WEF) names: 

– extreme weather events,

– critical changes to Earth systems, and

– biodiversity loss /ecosystem collapse

as the three biggest global risks we collectively face over the next ten years.

Moreover, the report states misinformation and disinformation as the biggest short-term risks for the next two years and alerts to a societal polarization. If one combines all the risks, the image is rather pessimistic, yet the surveyed experts state that there are opportunities also. 

“The world is undergoing significant structural transformations with AI, climate change, geopolitical shifts and demographic transitions. Ninety-one per cent of risk experts surveyed express pessimism over the 10-year horizon. Known risks are intensifying and new risks are emerging – but they also provide opportunities. Collective and coordinated cross-border actions play their part, but localized strategies are critical for reducing the impact of global risks. The individual actions of citizens, countries and companies can move the needle on global risk reduction, contributing to a brighter, safer world.”

John Scott, Head of Sustainability Risk, Zurich Insurance Group

Read the press release