NEROUPOLI (water-city in Greek) is a web-based educational material an interactive website, designed to be used directly by Greek-speaking players aged 10-13 years old that can be played on PCs, laptops and tablets.
NEROUPOLI covers topics related to the natural vs the urban water cycle, climate change, water management at the city level, responsible consumption etc. It is launched with 14 pedagogic learner centred activities, with the goal to increase them in the future. Each activity includes some basic information on the topic, online quizzes and games and tasks for indoor or outdoor discovery. NEROUPOLI was conceived and designed by MEdIES, within the “Water for the City” project[1].
Ready to play?
[1]”Water for the City” was a two year programme (2016-2018) implemented in Alexandroupolis, Greece by the Global Water Partnership- Mediterranean (GWP-Med) in cooperation with the local Municipality, the local Water & Sewage Service (DEYAA), and MIO-ECSDE / MEdIES, specifically for its educational component. “Water for the City” was funded by the Coca – Cola Foundation in Atlanta, USA. Learn more about the entire programme: